

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God! Psalm 42:5   Sometimes life just be life’n and it feels like we can’t catch a break! We reflect on our decisions, and the thought jumps...
To Forgive

To Forgive

SETTING BOUNDARIES Forgiving someone who has wronged us can be difficult and because of this we often place forgiveness into categories. Have you ever engaged in a conversation where you or someone else said, “I can forgive a person if they did (insert a forgivable...
I would Never!

I would Never!

Have you ever said the phrase “I would never…” only to end up doing the very thing you were convinced you would never do? If your answer is yes, know you are not alone. Recall the conversation between Jesus and Peter in Matthew 26 where Jesus tells Peter he would...
A Thought Regarding Sin

A Thought Regarding Sin

I find myself fascinated with the impact of sin in the life of a believer. While most individuals would not consider themselves perfect it is nevertheless understood that we are called to live a life of holiness. As such we all strive to remain unspotted from the...
Did You Ask?

Did You Ask?

THE CRY As I was reading the pages of my Bible this morning I observed the following, when Jesus walked through the crowds they pushed and grabbed at him. I noticed whenever he stopped to speak with someone who was crying out he would ask, “what do you want me to do”....