Self Love

“ If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” James 2:8-10
What did you notice in that passage? Did the following stand out to you ?
1- Love your neighbor as you love yourself
2- By showing favoritism you become guilty of breaking the whole law.

Yes, by showing partiality you have made yourself likened to an adulterous a murderer an idol worshiper and so on. You are now guilty of breaking the whole law simply by stumbling over the act of showing favoritism.

Amidst the reminder to remove partiality from our lives, the text also offers a great reason to exhibit a healthy level of self esteem. Do you constantly put yourself last? Are you constantly making room for others and their needs while neglecting your own? How can one love their neighbor as themselves if the love for oneself is non existent?

Self love displayed in a healthy way is important for the betterment of not only our lives but our relationships, whether they be platonic, professional or romantic.

Moreover, when we fail to love ourselves we in turn position ourselves in direct opposition to God. In Genesis 1, at the end of each day God reflected upon his creation and saw that it was very good( Genesis 1:31 NIV). The everlasting God, the one who spoke the world into being looked at his handiwork and declared it was good! You are his creation. God created all things , and for his pleasure they were created (Rev. 4:11). You were made not only in the image of God but for his pleasure. God takes joy in you; Always remember that. If you can think of nothing else to kick start your healthy self esteem journey always remember God takes pleasure in you. If loving others is truly important to you, please begin by first loving yourself.

Kenisha M